April 26, 2022
Dear Roosevelt Choirs, Families, and Alumni,
Since 2017, the Des Moines community has embraced me as one of its own. And Roosevelt has become a home for me. I have been with you for nearly 250 performances. We have had over 1000 classes and rehearsals. And I have found joy with you a million times over. Sometimes in life, you are presented with major choices and confronted with decisions. This April, I had a choice and made a tough decision.
This school year is my last at Roosevelt High School. In August, I will be returning to Cleveland, Ohio to be the Director of Music at University School. This opportunity is special to me for 2 reasons: I will be returning to my alma mater; and I will be closer to family. When I was reflecting on whether I wanted to return to Ohio, it felt like the right thing to do at the right time, personally and professionally. And weeks after making that decision, I still know it was the right choice for me.
Roosevelt will always hold a special place in my heart. My family and friends know how much I’ve loved my years in this community. Even while speaking with faculty members at University School, I couldn’t help but talk about and share my love for Roosevelt’s students and families, along with dear colleagues and friends–who’ve become my second family. There’s just something about this place…
I reflect on the words in the Bridges theme song:
Build a bridge to a better world
for every boy and girl
Moving to the future with great hope
Come on lend a hand
United we will stand
Together we’ll build a bridge to harmony
I hope that within my time, I have helped to strengthen this community. I hope that my short tenure was impactful and meaningful for you. I hope that I was able to build a bridge for the many students who have walked through the blue doors. I know my life has been forever changed because of all of you.
Be well, wage peace, make art, and continue to breathe life into those all around you.
Mr. Devon Steve