Become a Bridge Builder today!
Donating is essential to our programming each year. We ask for your financial support in order to continue the artistic excellence of Bridges 2 Harmony.
Who are the Bridge Builders?
The Bridge Builders are those who support Bridges 2 Harmony through their financial sponsorships and donations. These people are essential to the growth and development of Bridges 2 Harmony outreach.
How are the donations used?
The donations are necessary to continue our programming. It will assist in providing choir scholarships for students, traveling and touring expenses, instrument maintenance, music rights purchasing, and a range of other financial supports.
How does one become a Bridge Builder?
Any named donation qualifies a donor to become a sponsor—a Bridge Builder. In order to make a financial donation, there are two methods:
Online at bridges2harmony.org/donate
•Cash or check made payable to “Bridges 2 Harmony Gospel Choir”